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Tragic Death of Vice Admiral Robert Walmsley Unveils Family Dispute and Unresolved Questions

Vice Admiral Robert Walmsley's death sparks a 19-month investigation and deepens family rifts, culminating in a controversial inquest.

By Jack Wilson

3/31, 05:51 EDT
GSK plc

Key Takeaway

  • Vice Admiral Robert Walmsley's death leads to a 19-month investigation and family dispute, highlighting tensions with his second wife, Alexandra.
  • An inquest into Walmsley's death reveals conflicting narratives between his children and Alexandra, with suggestions of foul play considered.
  • Despite the coroner ruling the death accidental, unresolved questions persist about the circumstances of Walmsley's fatal fall.

Tragic End and Family Rift

The death of Vice Admiral Robert Walmsley, a distinguished figure in the British navy and defense sector, has unfolded into a complex and emotionally charged dispute involving his family and his second wife, Alexandra. The saga began on August 4, 2022, when Alexandra reported finding her husband's body at the bottom of their Massachusetts home's basement staircase, leading to a 19-month trans-Atlantic investigation and legal proceedings. Despite their seemingly content life, including a final evening spent enjoying dinner at a favorite restaurant, the relationship between Robert and Alexandra was reportedly not fully accepted by his children from a previous marriage, including Emma Walmsley, CEO of GlaxoSmithKline.

Inquest Raises Questions

The inquest into Robert Walmsley's death, held in London, brought the family's internal conflicts into the public eye. Represented by their respective lawyers, the children and Alexandra presented conflicting narratives. A British pathologist, hired by Robert's youngest son James, suggested that a "simple shove by a third party" could not be ruled out as the cause of the fatal fall. This assertion, along with Alexandra's strained relationship with her stepchildren, highlighted by measures taken to prevent eye contact during the inquest, underscored the deep divisions within the family. Alexandra, in response to the proceedings, lamented the "repeated and vexatious insinuations" regarding the nature of her husband's death.

Legal and Emotional Complexities

The inquest delved into various aspects of the case, including Robert's health, the circumstances leading to his death, and the family dynamics. Alexandra's testimony, which she found distressing, covered intimate details of Robert's life, including his battle with cancer and its effects. The coroner's final ruling deemed the death accidental, though it left unanswered questions about the exact circumstances leading to Robert's descent into the basement. Following the inquest, Alexandra expressed her desire for her husband to be remembered for his contributions to the UK's defense rather than the controversy surrounding his death.